Dementia Friendly Workshops
The dementia friendly workshops, which are also open for carers and relatives, are warm friendly and fun. Based in the Living Room which is an award winning building, with wheel chair access. It has been designed specifically to host small groups so people feel safe and comfortable.
Approaches to creating art are varied and include collage, painting, drawing working with clay and weaving. Sessions take place every Wednesday from 2 pm - 3.30 pm and are run by artist Suna Imre with visiting artists sometimes coming in to share their particular ways of working. No prior experience to making art is needed. Tea and cake always provided!
In order to keep these workshops running long-term and remain sustainable we welcome a voluntary contribution of £10 per individual or £ 15 per family unit (either family member or carer). Payment is not a requirement to take part in the workshops.
If you would like to find out more or book please email Suna at suna@spud.org.uk
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